SBR provides Waiver-Funded support to adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and/or Autism.
If you are eligible and are already receiving Waiver-Funded Services your Supports Coordinator (SC) will need to contact Supportive Behavioral Resources, Inc. to send a Referral for the appropriate services.
If you are not already connected with a Supports Coordinator and are not enrolled in a Waiver, you will need to contact the office of Intellectual Disabilities Services (Philadelphia IDS). IDS will determine your eligibility for services.
Other Essential Resources
Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability
Temple Institute on Disabilities
Assistive Technology
Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation
Cerebral Palsy
City of Philadelphia Info
Down Syndrome
National Down Syndrome Society
Fragile X
Genetic and Rare Diseases
Rett Syndrome